An Incredible Pursuit

Kenny (pictured left) came to Sac State looking to live the “college lifestyle”.  Though he was raised in a Christian home, he had never made his faith his own, and certainly had no plans of doing so in when he got to college.  As his parents dropped him off at school and left, Kenny wanted to explore and party, and his parents knew it.  They cried as they dropped him off and drove home without Kenny.

By God’s grace, after a few weeks at college, Kenny found that the “college lifestyle” wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.  He began to look for something different.

It was then that one of his friends invited him to Cru’s fall retreat.

Kenny went and had the weekend of his life. He deeply connected with the speaker and made friends. He decided that the Christian faith was something that he wanted to pursue.

And what a pursuit it was! When we got back to school, Kenny started meeting with a Cru staff member to go over new-believer bible study material. As the school year ended, he found himself on a Cru summer mission, receiving training and experience in evangelism and discipleship. As he returned back to school for his sophomore year, he began leading a bible study for freshmen in the dorms. Soon, he began taking one of those freshmen through the same new-believer bible study material that he went through just a year before. After his junior year, he went on a summer mission with Cru to East Asia, where he shared the gospel with many who had never heard the gospel or even the name of Jesus.

Knowing how much his life had changed in college, Kenny decided to intern with Cru for two years and is now joining staff, in hopes of helping others find Jesus in college just like he did. The Lord has used him greatly to bring people to faith and disciple men; we’re so grateful to have him on our staff team!

Kenny was won to Jesus in college, built up in his faith, and sent out to reach those around him.  It’s this pattern of win, build, and send that we want to see happen with the 130,000 college students in Sacramento. Imagine how the world would change if students saw Jesus for how worthy he truly is!

Thank you for being part of Jesus pursuing students, like he did with Kenny!

Prayer Requests

Praise God for His pursuit of Kenny and others like him!  We are so grateful to be a part of God’s redemption story in people’s lives!

We are so excited to have 10 students going on Summer Missions with Cru!  Pray for their preparations and hearts as they go into these equipping and enriching summers.  Pray that God would use them for His glory!

Please also pray for our staff team as we finish the year and begin planning for next fall.  Pray that we would have energy to finish well, be led by the Spirit, and do all things unto the glory of Christ!